
thankful for our employees this holiday season

As we head into this year’s holiday season, we can’t help but feel grateful for the resilience, commitment and perseverance of our employees. Despite the many unprecedented challenges and changes experienced throughout the year, together our employees have worked in entirely new ways, with positive energy and support, to overcome the unexpected. 

And we know it hasn’t been easy. So we sat down with a few employees across the globe to hear about the transition to remote work, how they’ve maintained a work-life balance, and what they’re looking forward to most when we finally do return to the office.

Q: Tell us about your role at Motorola. 

Lizandra Herrerias, Senior Marketing Specialist, MBG: I am currently part of the Global Retail Marketing Team and I am based in São Paulo, Brazil. As part of my role, I develop the global training assets for new products, our global training platform and I am also responsible for some special projects for retail. 

Katie Mazza, Director of MBG Finance: Born and raised in the Chicagoland area, I was lucky to find my “home away from home” at Motorola. I’ve had a lot of different rotations in finance during my career at Motorola, but I currently supporting the Product Organization and Legal (IP). 

Meena Praveen, Senior Product Manager, MBG: I work as a Senior Product Manager in Global Marketing Team and am based in Bangalore, India.

Agnieszka Stanczuk, Communication Manager, MBG Europe: Based out of Warsaw, Poland, I am currently responsible for managing communications across several markets in Europe.

Q: How was the transition moving from working in the office to working entirely remotely?

Lizandra Herrerias: It was quite smooth for me personally. With a global role, most of the people I talk to are not in the office, so that part was not a big change, but of course, being a “people person” I miss seeing people and interacting with them, having the social part of working in an office, like meetings, lunches, happy hours!

Katie Mazza: In life, I have constantly juggled a lot of things at once and worn many hats. This transition followed suit. As I was making the adjustment to working 100% remote, I was also packing up my house and moving into a new home. Add with 2 kids (4 and 7), who transitioned to remote schooling as well, and you can be assured there was never a dull moment!

Meena Praveen: It was initially difficult, especially with the daily standup meetings with the team which was a ritual to start the day, transition took some time with too many meetings as we could not see the team members face to face, however, we got accustomed to the remote working.

Agnieszka Stanczuk: For me, this has actually been a pretty smooth transition, as I was already working remotely and connecting with our agencies, media, and partners outside of the office. Although, I used to do this from the office of the person I was meeting, co-working space, hotel, etc. – now that there are restrictions I have been completely based at home.

Q: What has been the biggest challenge and how have you been able to overcome that?

Lizandra Herrerias: I believe the biggest challenge is being physically distant from my teammates and not having those casual coffee conversations that bring great insights to things or give you another perspective on a subject. And definitely, in the first weeks, putting together a routine to ensure I was still getting a work-life balance while working at home – learning how to organize yourself, take time have lunch and keep up with my agenda.

Katie Mazza: The biggest challenge has been maintaining a work/life balance. With no separation between “church and state”, it is easy to always be on. One of my favorite sayings that keeps me grounded is ‘I work to live, I don’t live to work.”

Meena Praveen: The biggest challenge has been the added meetings I’ve seen on my calendar now as a result of working from home (and not having the opportunity to swing by someone’s desk for a casual discussion). We have overcome that by streamlining the process of scheduling daily sync ups and aligning availability with the full team.

Agnieszka Stanczuk: I think the biggest challenge for me was learning how to stay in touch with people when we have to align things quickly. It was a learning curve for all of us – and that required some time. I’ve also found internet connection to be an issue as we are all using our at home wi-fi, which is not nearly as stable, fast and reliable as the connection provided in the office or at these coworking spaces.

Q: Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated and organized while working at home? 

Lizandra Herrerias: Having a specific area set up to work helps and keeping a routine helped me a lot. My home does not have an office area, but I set up everything I need in one place. I still wake up early, but instead of sitting in traffic I have time to meditate, take a yoga class before I get ready for work.

Katie Mazza: Something that has helped me during this time is to think about what’s most important in life and cherish it. In my case, it’s family. Working remote has afforded me the opportunity to eat with the family, hear about my children’s days when they come home from school and put more focus on staying healthy.

Meena Praveen: I’ve found that taking the time to give myself both physical and mental breaks has been particularly helpful. I practice yoga in the mornings – it gives me peace of mind and good health and helps me to keep motivated throughout the day. I would recommend to anyone looking to stay motivated while working remotely to find time to balance your family and work-life – take breaks when your family needs you, grab coffee or have lunch together if possible!

Agnieszka Stanczuk: I try to work every day like I did before the pandemic. Only my surroundings have changed – and thanks to technology I have been able to continue to my job regardless of where I am. I also maintain discipline, by taking small breaks for a cup of coffee or lunch – I try to not to think too much about my housework or personal tasks until my workday is officially over.

Q: Have you and your team evolved the way you work together now that you’re all working remotely?

Lizandra Herrerias: We have for sure evolved. I feel closer to my teammates and closer to my leaders. Our team has created a monthly social get together and every time we have a different host and a different activity, like a virtual scavenger hunt, meditation class, Zumba classes, etc. So I would say we are closer both on a professional and personal/ social level. Prior to the pandemic, these activities didn’t happen as often or as easily as we would have liked due to distance, time difference and everyone being at different offices. But I think this one benefit that has really come out of working remote. 

Meena Praveen: Yes, we have evolved quite a bit actually. For example, I’ve noticed that we now have more of a mix of formal chats (like weekly syncs, touch bases, etc.) and informal chats (like virtual coffee syncs or happy hours where we speak non-work-related items). By taking the time to connect on both a professional and social level, my colleagues and I have been able to maintain that more personal connection you get by working in an office together, despite being physically apart.

Agnieszka Stanczuk: We’ve definitely evolved – and are still evolving. I think what has really helped is streamlining the ways in which we communicate with another. Prior to the pandemic, it was a lot of apps, instant messaging, emails, etc. Now, we really try to limit our communication to one platform so that we can all quickly, and easily connect with one another without having to constantly check various platforms.

Q: Have you been able to maintain a work-life balance? How so? 

Lizandra Herrerias: I have done a few things to make sure I maintain a work-life balance. First, I have a dedicated space in my home for work only which helps me to sort of separate the two. I also have my morning routine which includes meditation, yoga, home chores, breakfast and getting ready to work. I try to respect my schedule just as I would do if I were going into the office. Once the workday is finished, I have my home chores and I teach Naam 5 – a meditation class every day. This makes a total difference on the work-life balance and when the weekend comes, I just put everything work-related away, no computer, no big screen, no keyboards… just weekend activities at home. 

Katie Mazza: Yes. It looks a little different than it did before; however, I try to remember to live by the saying “Never get so busy making a living that you forgot to make a life.” Keeping this top of mind helps me through all the COVID craziness.

Meena Praveen: Work/life balance in the first few weeks of lockdown was pretty difficult, as I would find myself working during the time that I would usually take to commute to and from the office and unwind before being with my family. However, as time progressed, my team and I have been able to streamline the work hours, and I am using this time to instead connect with my kids. 

Agnieszka Stanczuk: This is tough to maintain, but focusing on having a daily routine is very helpful. Also, keeping weekends as a time for relaxing only. 

Q: What are you looking forward to most about returning to the office?

Lizandra Herrerias: Talking to people in person, having an eye to eye meeting, just walking over to someone’s desk to ask a question instead of having a call, having lunch with my team. All the social aspects of being at the office, going to a happy hour with everyone…these are the things I look for the most.

Katie Mazza: Hands down, the people. Video calls are good, but nothing can replace the comradery that being in the office provides.

Meena Praveen: My team… and my desk! I’ve missed our coffee breaks and being able to causally connect face-to-face with my colleagues throughout the day. 

Agnieszka Stanczuk: Being able to meet colleagues, media, business partners face to face again! Traveling to my countries in Europe, too. However, I think that we will continue to do a lot of things remotely even in a post-COVID world. 

We’re so thankful for everything our employees do – and can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in 2021!

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motorola´s summer interns reflect on their work from home experience

As July comes to a close, Motorola is saying goodbye to the wonderful summer interns that joined us across the globe this season. And while this summer we couldn’t meet in person, we’re so thankful for their hard work and flexibility as we all continue to navigate the new normal of remote work.

To commemorate our interns’ time at Motorola, we sat down with a few to hear first hand how they enjoyed the experience, their favorite lessons learned, and of course, what it was like working from home during the global pandemic, never once meeting their teams in person!

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, where you go to school and the department you’ve been working with this summer.

Daniela Anaya, HR Intern, MBG: I am Daniela Anaya, I live in Mexico City and a few weeks ago I graduated with a degree in Pedagogy. I have been working in the HR Department in our Mexico office.

Sophie Baron, Internal Communications Intern, MBG: My name is Sophie Baron, and I am a rising junior at Syracuse University, majoring in Public Relations. I have been interning for MBG on the Internal Communications and Global PR team(s).

Matt Ficalora, Go-To-Market Finance Intern, MBG: My name is Matt Ficalora, and I go to school at Indiana University and will be graduating with a degree in finance and an International Business co-major next spring (May ‘21). This summer, I have been interning with the Go-To-Market finance team.

Olga Ioannidi, eCommerce Intern, MBG: I am from Greece, and am an international student in the US at Loyola University of Chicago, where I’m studying my masters in marketing with a certificate in business analytics. Due to COVID-19, I’ve been doing my internship from my hometown here in Greece.

Kelly Li, Marketing Intern, MBG: I am a rising senior at NYU, majoring in economics and minoring in business studies. I have been interning with the marketing team at Motorola.

Madison Milliken, Trade Marketing Intern, MBG: I am a Junior at Western Michigan University, where I am double majoring in Digital Marketing and Leadership & Business Strategy with a minor in General Business. I have been working as a Trade Marketing Intern on the Training Team this summer helping to train our Moto Agents and Field Reps.

Adriana Murillo Sánchez, Marketing Intern, MBG: I am Adriana Murillo from Mexico, and I recently graduated from Marketing at Universidad La Salle México. I am supporting the Marketing team in the Mexico office this summer.

Victor Sanchez, Finance Planning and Analysis Intern, MBG: My name is Victor Sanchez, originally from Mexico City, Mexico I am a rising senior at Indiana University-Bloomington Kelley School of Business majoring in Finance and Business Analytics. This summer, I have been working as a Financial Planning and Analysis intern for the FPA Motorola team.

Alexandra Sarros, Product Cost Management Intern, MBG: I am from La Grange, Illinois, and I am an incoming senior at Purdue University studying Industrial Engineering. I am interning with the MBG Finance group as a product cost management intern.

Ariana Wilson, Global Communications and Philanthropy Intern, Lenovo Foundation: My name is Ariana Wilson and I am from New Albany, Ohio. I am a rising sophomore at Elon University studying Strategic Communications and Marketing. This summer, I am interning at Lenovo as a Global Communications and Philanthropy Intern, under the Marketing team.

Q: How has it been working remotely for your internship? How has Lenovo/MBG supported you during your time at the company?

Sophie Baron: Lenovo and MBG have made working remotely a really meaningful experience. Although we aren’t able to connect face-to-face, the internship program offers so many activities and spaces in which we can get the support and help we need. Campus Recruiting has even hosted training sessions on how to be successful and stay productive while working remotely, as well as flexibility/yoga sessions to keep us productive and healthy in and outside of the virtual office. Lenovo and MBG have also worked really hard to offer programs, mentorships and projects in which we can connect and meet people across the business. We have had activities ranging from trivia, resume workshops, weekly coffee chats, and group projects.

Matt Ficalora: Although my past internships have been in person, I feel more connected with the organization even in the midst of the remote internship than I did in my past in-person experiences. I think this is for a number of reasons including getting invited to team meetings even if they’re outside of my specific team, attending introductory meetings that allow me to get to know leaders within the organization, participating in intern events organized by Lenovo, and the company’s overall drive for teamwork and collaboration.

Olga Ioannidi: I feel like the company has supported me with everything that I would need – especially the recruiting team. And I’ve had the opportunity to get in touch with many other interns because of the different projects that we work on together.

Kelly Li: Working remotely has taught me that being productive at home isn’t always the easiest, but the workshops, seminars, and leadership discussions that Lenovo and Motorola prepared for the interns have really supported the work from home experience.

Madison Milliken: I honestly have really enjoyed working online. I feel like it has given me unique networking opportunities I may have not gotten otherwise. The flexibility has also allowed me to join other meetings that may have been harder in person. I have had some experience with online internships in the past, but this one with MBG was way more organized than I have ever experienced.

Victor Sanchez: Working remotely has been an interesting and exciting experience. I have never done anything like this before and to be honest, I was really nervous about it. Nonetheless, Lenovo and Motorola have done an outstanding job supporting us by providing us with the right resources. We’ve all also had the opportunity to participate in community service projects, including one with Project Sunshine, where we wrote encouraging letters to healthcare professionals and created word puzzles/drawings for children.

Alexandra Sarros: Lenovo/MBG has made this the most seamless transition from an in-person internship to a remote one when I compare it to the experiences of my friends and peers this summer. The company has continued to make sure we are connected to fellow interns, our manager, the HR staff, and our workgroup. The summer group project has also been helpful in getting to know my fellow interns.

Ariana Wilson: While I was not expecting to work remotely, it turned into a valuable learning experience because I was able to enhance my time management skills and balancing work and life effectively. I am grateful for the company’s Campus Recruiting professional development sessions. In between work, I have been finding time to meet other interns, especially those outside of my department.

Q: What has been the biggest challenge for you as you navigate working remotely?

Sophie Baron: One thing I have found most challenging about the remote work experience is time management. Due to the nature of remote work, I am constantly on different phone calls and meetings and sometimes have a hard time fitting in time to get my own projects and work done.

Matt Ficalora: Staying productive has been a challenge. In my internship where I’ve been able to go into the office, I feel more motivated to work harder and with more effort. While at home, I feel like there are more distractions and opportunities to lose focus and slack off. However, while challenging, I think this will be a great skill as I progress forward in my career.

Olga Ioannidi: The major challenge for me this summer was the difference in time zone – since Greece is 8 hours ahead of Chicago. But with patient teammates and a little bit of organization, it was something that I figured out how to manage very quickly.

Adriana Murillo Sánchez: I’ve found that it is tiring to be in front of a computer all day, especially not being able to go out and have direct contact with the people on my team. The good thing about virtual work is that I have had the opportunity to meet people from other departments and offices that I wouldn’t have been able to meet in a normal internship setting.

Victor Sanchez: My biggest challenge as I navigate working remotely has been finding an appropriate workspace, staying focused, and interacting face-to-face with people from the office. I consider myself an extrovert so I get my energy by interacting with other people, getting used to video calls and emails versus in-person interactions has been challenging. To stay focused, I have been experimenting with different work environments within my house to minimize distractions as much as I can. Setting goals each day has also helped me stay productive.

Alexandra Sarros: Through this experience, I have learned I am much more of an extrovert than I thought I was, which makes it harder than I thought it would be to be completely virtual. I really enjoy being in a team environment and have missed being able to connect with coworkers in person.

Ariana Wilson: The biggest challenge for me was scheduling time for myself during the workday, as being completely virtual can make it difficult to step away from your computer. To do so, I had to learn to schedule periodic breaks for myself so that I could refocus and remain productive.

Q: What is the biggest lesson learned or takeaway you’ve gained from this internship with Motorola?

Daniela Anaya: My biggest takeaway is the benefits of working for a company with a global presence. I am very grateful for all the people I came across during my time here, especially because it opened up my eyes to new perspectives and ways of thinking.

Sophie Baron: I think one of my favorite takeaways from this experience is the importance of workplace culture and understanding the benefits of a globally-minded team. Having the opportunity to work with a global team that represents employees from diverse backgrounds enhances everything we do and allows each of us to be better, well-rounded individuals.

Matt Ficalora: The biggest lesson I’ve learned while working with Motorola this summer is that career paths are rarely linear. As a finance major, I have always assumed that my career would stay in finance, but I have learned that my path will likely present opportunities to elevate outside of finance, and this is a good thing. As many employees have mentioned, moving around in different functional areas of the business allows you to understand how different parts of the business interact and are dependent on one another and provide for new, unexpected opportunities.

Olga Ioannidi: For me, it was all the different people! I met employees with different tenures, different job levels and in different countries. They all had a willingness to help, mentor and motivate me whenever I needed it. Thank you, Motorola! It was a great experience and I hope that I will be able to work for a company as diverse as this one again soon.

Kelly Li: Overall, I am so grateful to be a part of this unique internship program. Despite working from home the entire time, I have received so many opportunities and pieces of advice that definitely helped to further my professional growth.

Adriana Murillo Sánchez: One of my biggest lessons from this internship is learning how to trust myself. At the start of my internship, I was dependent on my manager and leaned heavily on him to make sure I was doing something right. But over the course of my time here, I’ve been able to become more confident with my decisions – a skill that will be super helpful in my next jobs.

Victor Sanchez: The biggest takeaway from my time at Motorola is that no one is ever too far, you just have to reach out and not be afraid to ask questions. I’ve also come to realize the importance of getting to know your team and getting involved.

Alexandra Sarros: Working remotely has shown me the importance of building good relationships with my team and what are the positives if you have them and the negatives that come along if those relationships are not developed. With everything going on today, I’ve learned I have had to go beyond my comfort zone in order to develop relationships.

Congratulations to all of our Motorola interns! It was our pleasure to host you with this opportunity for growth and development, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for you next!

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Spotlighting Women Engineers at Lenovo, As We Celebrate International Women In Engineering Day

Today is International Women In Engineering Day – a day dedicated to recognizing the outstanding work of women engineers across the globe. At Lenovo, we´re thankful for our women engineers around the world who are not only doing the hard work, but also paving the way for the next generation of women in engineering. 

To help celebrate, we sat down with some of the incredible women engineers that represent our company to talk a little bit about themselves, what they´re most proud of as women in a male-dominated field, and some words of advice for the next generation of women engineers. 

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at Lenovo?

Flavia Vilas Boas (LATAM Regional Product Manager, MBG): I´m Flavia Vilas Boas and i am from Brazil. I have a bachelor´s degree in Electronic Engineering at EFEI Escola Federal de Engenharia de Itajuba MG/Brazil and a Master´s degree in Quality&Production and an MBA at FGV in Sao Paulo/Brazil.

Ruthie Sellers (Product Design Mechanical Engineer, MBG): My name is Ruthie Sellers, and I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago. I have a bachelor´s degree in Mechanical engineering and a master´s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. My background is in commercial telecommunications, prosthetics, and Robotics. Currently, I am a Product Design Mechanical Engineer for Motorola´s flagship smartphone division.

Elaine Rezende (Global Product Manager, MBG):  My name is Elaine Rezende, I joined Motorola in 2000 and I work on the MBG team. I am based in Brazil and responsible for launching New Products in the LatAm and AP/EM regions. 

Mounika Vanka (Researcher, Lenovo): I am a graduate student from Duke University with a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering. I am passionate about applying machine learning principles to solving problems in healthcare and am currently a researcher for Lenovo s Augmented Reality solutions.

Q: What are you most proud of when it comes to being a woman in a historically male-dominated field? Do you feel that engineering is still a male-dominated field? 

Ruthie Sellers: As a woman in this field, I am most proud of the way we ve been able to break down barriers and stereotypes of what an engineer is and looks like. I am a “girly-girl” and I have encountered many people who don´t associate that with this field. I want girls and women to know that they are not limited to stereotypical women´s careers. They can have careers that are known to be what men do and still be themselves. I am proud that I can still embrace who I am and show other women that they can also be their authentic selves with any career choice. 

Absolutely, engineering is still a male-dominated field – that hasn´t changed. I do, however, see more and more women every day getting involved. I think this is important as we present the opportunity to offer a different perspective on all aspects of the field; which, I believe is key in bringing new and innovative products to life.

Overall it feels good to be a woman working in this environment, and it´s empowering to know that I am a successful woman in a male-dominated field. This is not to say it doesn´t come with its challenges, actually, it is hard at times, but I can honestly say many of my colleagues have been supportive from day one; as a result, I feel welcomed, I feel accepted, and I feel like my opinion matters.

Flavia Vilas Boas: I´m very proud of being a woman in engineering and think more can be done to help raise awareness around women in the field. For example, while the field is still male-dominated I do think we´re seeing a more “natural diversity” in engineering positions – asking the same responsibility and results regardless of your gender, race, etc. A good engineer should be able to adapt to any situation and perform at a certain level – and I think we as women in engineering, have been able to prove that we can do the job just as good as our male colleagues. Of course, I think there is still more to do to encourage more women and the next generation to explore this field as a career, but the recognition that things like International Women In Engineering Day brings is a great step in the right direction! 

Mounika Vanka: Yes, I definitely feel that it is, but it is changing slowly. For example, my team consists of 9 members with two women engineers. I have also seen other teams with just a single woman. But the trend is definitely changing and more women are sharing their journey to empower others and help reduce the misconception that engineering is a male-only field. 

Q: What are the biggest misconceptions people have about being an engineer? 

Elaine Rezende: A common misconception is that engineers are nerds (which isn´t a bad thing!) – but I’m definitely not a nerd and think you can find many different types of people in this field! In fact, engineering is a pretty broad and diverse field – the many different types of people are needed to develop innovative solutions.

Mounika Vanka: I have heard this phrase a lot “You must be really smart to be an engineer.” I believe that every individual is smart, but their skills and interests are suited for a different field. To me, being an engineer does not mean you are smart, it means you really enjoy solving challenges and have a knack for technology. 

Another myth I have heard is “You cannot be an engineer and raise a family”. I think having children can be a challenge in any career, but with supportive employers and the right infrastructure, there is no reason why it should be harder within the world of engineering.

Q: How do you hope to inspire the next generation and/or your fellow colleagues? What advice would you give them?

Flavia Vilas Boas: This is a fantastic career with huge opportunities to work with leading tech companies, to learn different cultures and languages, and to travel all around the world. As an engineer you have to learn how to solve very difficult problems at a very quick pace – I would encourage the next generation to hone in on this skill in college. I would also encourage them to not be afraid to open their minds to a new way of thinking both while on the job and in their personal lives, as this can really help you grow as a person and in your career.

Ruthie Sellers: I hope to inspire my fellow colleagues and the next generation to be fearless, to take risks, and leave no stone unturned on their journey. I hope to encourage them to live boldly and to remember just because you are a woman doesn´t mean that you are incapable of rising to any challenge that may come your way& and lastly, I want to inspire them to always be their authentic self through it all.

Elaine Rezende: To the next generation of girls interested in this field, I d say never stop reading, studying, asking questions – and don´t be afraid to fail a lot, learn from those failures and use them as an opportunity to further your knowledge. Be prepared to receive minimal information when pursuing answers, but do not get discouraged and allow these instances to fuel your journey. Your success depends on your drive, and you are the only person who is able to determine what your success means.

Mounika Vanka: Drawing off of my experiences, I would say follow your passion, and success will come to you automatically. When you are doing something you love, it becomes all the more enjoyable and you don´t feel the stress at all. But also sometimes, you do have to take on tasks or projects that you might not enjoy the most, in those situations I would suggest you take this on as a challenge and try to give it your best. I would also suggest for them to take part in women in STEM programs either at their school or college level to get exposure and stay up to date with the latest trends.

I also think sharing personal stories of struggle and achievements can provide empowerment to young girls. A lot of women are open about sharing their stories in the hope to inspire young minds and I am really happy with the way it is happening. Giving young girls the freedom to choose their career based on their interests and not based on how they will be perceived by others would also definitely help. 

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motorola edge family wins Red Dot for outstanding design

Motorola won its second Red Dot award of the year with the recently launched motorola edge and motorola edge+. Submitted as a family, these two new devices have been recognized in the world´s most renowned design competition for their outstanding design quality. In 2020, designers and companies from 60 countries entered more than 6,500 products in the competition, with only 25% being honored with this recognition.

Motorola´s design philosophy has always been focused on providing consumers with innovation that transforms technology into meaningful experiences. While this extends across our entire portfolio of products, the Motorola Edge and Edge+ deliver the very best all-around experience in a design that´s beautiful, surprisingly functional and advanced in a bold and modern interpretation of what a smartphone can be.

When designing the Motorola edge family usability, simplicity and desirability were top of mind for the team. From the interactive 90-degree curved display and high-resolution camera systems to the fastest 5G data speeds ever and the largest battery of any smartphone – maximizing performance and the consumer experience were key priorities in our design process. We wanted these premium features to be matched with an equally stunning exterior look and feel with a finish meant to evoke luxury that was inspired by Murano glass blowing for depth and gradient of color. It´s powerful and fast interior is perfectly balanced with a stunning exterior that is all pixels, all imaging and all audio to satisfy the most demanding consumers.

“We recognize the importance of balancing consumer needs with an element of surprise, and the motorola edge family is one step on a longer roadmap to create more seamless, intuitive devices with cutting-edge design,” said Paul Pierce, Head of Premium & Innovation Design at Motorola. “We aim to create devices that adapt to the user, not the other way around. With this in mind, every decision made when creating these new devices was centered around our consumers and increasing usability through purposeful innovation.”

On June 22, 2020, the motorola edge and motorola edge+ will be added to the Milestones in Contemporary Design exhibition in the Red Dot Design Museum Essen, where all of the award-winning products will be on display. Congratulations to the entire team responsible for bringing these beautiful devices to life. To learn more about the motorola edge family, please visit our YouTube page.

About the Red Dot Design Award: In order to appraise the diversity in the field of design in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into the three disciplines of Red Dot Award: Product Design, Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design and Red Dot Award: Design Concept. With more than 18,000 entries, the Red Dot Award is one of the world´s largest design competitions. In 1955, a jury convened for the first time to assess the best designs of the day. In the 1990s, Red Dot CEO Professor Dr. Peter Zec developed the name and brand of the award. Ever since the sought-after distinction “Red Dot” has been the revered international seal of outstanding design quality. The award winners are presented in the yearbooks, museums and online. More information is available at

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an important step in our growth strategy

From delivering the world´s first commercially available 5G smartphone to the launch of the new razr this past November, our strategy continues to focus on leading with innovation and delivering what matters most to our consumers. And while we have recognizable milestones from the past – what´s even more important is what´s happening right now at Motorola. With successful product launches, industry-wide milestones, and strong financial performance, the last year demonstrates an important turning point for the brand and the business – and now is this time to grow our business even further. We´ve proven ourselves as one of the leaders in the mid-tier space and are well-positioned to be a strong contender in a new space and the changing smartphone market.

Today, we introduced to the world our newest flagship devices – the motorola edge and motorola edge+. This space is challenging and competitive, and we wanted to be strategic and thoughtful with our approach. We knew any flagship device we created would have to turn heads and give consumers a true reason to look at a new device, be built from the ground up to be a 5G powerhouse, and be completely in lockstep with consumer insights, nailing every important feature with outstanding user experiences (like the all-new My UX collection of software features that allows users to customize their experience to be even more intuitive and personal). With this new family of devices we are introducing today, we believe we ve done just that. In parallel, we´re also entering a new space with our brand and have reimagined our visual identity. Just like our products, our new brand is edgier and bolder – a reflection of our commitment to delivering meaningful innovation and challenging the status quo. This marks a pivotal point in time for us as a company, and we´re incredibly excited to reach more consumers with this launch.

Francois LaFlamme

VP, Global Marketing

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supporting our communities during the coronavirus pandemic

As a diverse, global company, we believe we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to support our communities during these challenging times.

While the list of initiatives the Lenovo Foundation has created to help communities combat the negative impact of this global pandemic is expansive, we´d like to highlight a couple of initiatives Motorola is proud to support directly.

At Motorola, we understand the importance of staying connected during these uncertain times. That´s why we are donating over $500,000 worth of Motorola smartphones to support distance learning and U.S./Canada charities. Across several European countries, we are also donating smartphones to hospitals to help isolated patients connect with their families. We´re grateful to our partners for helping to make these gifts possible.

In addition to these local initiatives, we´re also joining forces with Lenovo to offer consumers a free global warranty extension for up to 75 days through May 31, 2020 for all Lenovo/Motorola smartphones and Lenovo consumer PCs, tablets, smart home devices, consumer augmented/virtual reality devices, monitors and accessories with warranties that are coming to an end between March 15 through April 30, 2020. We hope that this will relieve some of the stress our consumers are experiencing so that they can continue to focus on what matters most – staying healthy, safe and connected with loved ones.

We know there is still more to do and will continue to update this page as our efforts continue. For more information on how Lenovo is giving back to its communities globally, please visit the Lenovo StoryHub.

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Lenovo becomes Global Partner of Formula 1® in renewed deal
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Discover the power of AI-enhanced photography with the razr 50 ultra/razr+
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47 years later, making a phone call seems more important than ever

While we may not be able to see our friends and family in person, we’re still reminded of how important it is to communicate and stay connected. Whether it be through a group video call to a virtual happy hour, these days we’re relying even more on our smartphones to keep us connected with loved ones.

Mobile phones have decidedly evolved from verbal communication tools to multipurpose devices, but now more than ever it seems like a time to use phones as they we’re originally invented – talking to someone. In fact, on this day in 1973, the first publicized handheld mobile phone call was made on a Motorola dynaTAC cell phone. It marked a pivotal point in time for society as we no longer had to sit by a landline or wait for a page to ensure we didn´t miss a call. It meant we could communicate with anyone at any time and from anywhere.

A phone call has always been an important channel for us to keep in touch with loved ones from afar, and in a climate like today´s, were reminded of just how meaningful a phone call can be. Today, we encourage you to make a call to a friend, a family member, a loved one, or maybe someone you´ve lost touch with. Join us in celebrating the power of a phone call. #stayconnected #makeacall

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Lenovo becomes Global Partner of Formula 1® in renewed deal
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Discover the power of AI-enhanced photography with the razr 50 ultra/razr+
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5 things to know about the new motorola razr 50/motorola razr
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new additions to moto g family celebrate 100 million moto g phones sold globally

Motorola is celebrating 100 million moto g smartphones sold around the world. New arrivals packed with innovation and premium experiences are hitting the market. We’re introducing two new devices in US & Canada – moto g stylus and moto g power – that come with cameras built to wow, tools to help feed your imagination, immersive display and a battery that gives you freedom to enjoy all this technology.

moto g stylus is built to help your creativity like never before with a built-in stylus pen and an unparalleled 48MP AI triple camera system, with quad pixel technology.¹ While moto g power includes an industry leading 5,000mAh battery that supercharges your day with all the power you need to live your life unplugged and be your creative best – delivering a versatile AI camera system, and a phenomenal entertainment experience that will blow you away.

always on point with the ultra-productive moto g stylus 

Express yourself with the built-in stylus that gives you precise control while using your smartphone. With the pen you are always ready to edit photos, jot down notes, sketch artwork, copy and paste text and even mark up screenshots. The stylus is seamlessly integrated into the phone’s design and software. Simply pop it out and start writing in the Moto Note app without even unlocking your phone.

moto g stylus also offers an unparalleled AI triple camera system. The outstanding 48MP main sensor delivers sharper and brighter 12 MP photos using Quad Pixel technology.¹ Even in the dark, your photos will have vibrant colors and stunning clarity with Night Vision mode. You’ll never miss a moment thanks to our ultra-fast laser autofocus, which brings your subject into focus in the blink of an eye. The dedicated action camera lets you shoot ultra-wide angle videos in landscape mode, allowing you to fit 4x more action in the frame — even while holding the phone vertically. Plus, you can count on the Macro Vision camera to highlight any detail, getting you 5x closer to your subject. And for Instagram-worthy selfies, the stunning 16MP front-facing camera delivers sharp and vivid photos that shine bright in any light, with the Quad Pixel technology.¹ moto g stylus is powered by a huge 4,000 mAh battery designed to last up to two days on a single charge.Get more out of your phone and fuel your freedom with a battery life that lets you easily stream music for 143 hours, or shows and movies for 19 hours.

live life unplugged with moto g power with 5000 mAh battery 

Forget backup chargers, searching for outlets or putting your phone on battery saver mode. moto g power is equipped with a 5,000 mAh battery that’s designed to keep you going for up to three days of powerful performance on a single charge.² Get more out of your phone with industry-leading battery life that lets you easily stream music for 150 hours or watch your favorite shows for 27 hours.

Enjoy a whole new world with the versatile AI-powered triple camera system on moto g power. Take lightning fast snapshots on the rapid-focusing 16MP main camera with phase detection autofocus or capture sweeping landscape photos with the ultra-wide angle lens that fits 4x more into the frame compared to a standard lens. For incredible close-up shots that capture every fine detail, use the dedicated Macro Vision camera to get 5x closer to your subject. For Instagram-worthy selfies that shine bright in any light, the front-facing selfie cam with Quad Pixel technology delivers sharp and vivid photos.¹

boost your experience with new moto g devices

moto g stylus and moto g power were both built-in to bring your favorite content to life with powerful dual stereo speakers. Powered by intelligent Dolby® audio, you get sound that’s 50% louder for a crystal clear audio experience that’s usually reserved for your living room.³ And your favorite movies, series or games will look larger than life on the incredible 6.4″ Max Vision display.

With a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 665 octa-core processor and 4 GB of RAM, moto g stylus and moto g power packs all the performance you need. Browse, watch, work, and game seamlessly. With plenty of storage you can keep all your favorite apps, music, movies and photos. These powerhouse smartphones can’t be taken down by a few spills or splashes. The water repellent design ensures your phone is protected inside and out so you can live your life worry free.4

Maximize your productivity and simply do more with exclusive Moto Experiences that put your favorite features right at your fingertips. And now, we’re introducing the Moto Gametime, a brand new feature that blocks interruptions for a more immersive gaming experience. moto g stylus and moto g power come with the ultra-clean bloatware-free Android™ 10 software.

Availability & pricing

moto g stylus

In the U.S., the new moto g stylus will be available universally unlocked starting April 16 at Best Buy, B&H Photo, Walmart and on with subsequent availability at Verizon, Metro by T-Mobile, Google Fi, Republic Wireless and Ting. (MSRP: $299.99). In Canada, the new moto g stylus will be available starting Wednesday, June 3 at Videotron.

moto g power

In the U.S., the new moto g power will be available universally unlocked starting April 16 at Best Buy, B&H Photo, Walmart and on with subsequent availability at Verizon, U.S. Cellular, Consumer Cellular, Google Fi, Republic Wireless and Xfinity Mobile. (MSRP: $249.99)

In Canada, the new moto g power will be available starting Friday, May 8 at Videotron and at all Freedom Mobile retail locations.

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we have the best for you: introducing motorola one macro, moto g8 plus, moto g8 play and moto e6 play

more of what consumers want including new cameras, better batteries and more powerful performance

We’re on a mission to provide mobile innovation that matters for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a standout phone with one-of-a-kind new features, like a macro camera lens that gets you 5x closer to the things you care about, a beloved smartphone franchise with excellent battery life, camera and audio performance, or trusted up-to-date essentials at an affordable price point, we have you covered. You’re sure to find your perfect mobile companion across our newest selection of devices — motorola one macro, moto g8 plus, moto g8 play and moto e6 play.

closer than ever with motorola one macro

Some details always escape smartphone lenses — the colors of a bee, a droplet of water, or pollen on a flower. For those who don’t want to miss out on the little things in life, we’re introducing motorola one macro, a class-leading smartphone that offers consumers a new way to see the world thanks to the unrivaled power of our unique Macro Vision camera.

Our Macro Vision camera lets you focus at 2cm away from your subject, which is 5x closer than a normal lens — all without additional accessories or attachments. In fact, no other smartphone today on the market gets you closer. Now you can capture the most incredibly intricate details of your subject while gracefully blurring out the background for that professional look everyone will envy.

In addition to the dedicated Macro Vision camera, the high quality main sensor and intelligent depth sensor capture stunning images in a snap. The super-fast laser autofocus sensor can bring your subject into focus in just a fraction of a second, letting the main sensor take sharper photos even in the most challenging lighting conditions. AI features like shot optimization, auto smile capture and smart composition do the hard work for you and bring your snapshots to the next level.

We know consumers’ #1 pain point year over year is battery life. That’s why we’ve included a long-lasting 4000 mAh battery that can keep you going with up to 2 days of battery life.1

And with an intelligent and battery-efficient AI chipset, your phone can keep up with you no matter how many beautiful photos you’re taking.

Featuring a stylish design in two stunning color gradient selections, Space Blue or vivid Ultra Violet, you’ll want to show this phone off as much as the photos you take on it. The 6.2” HD+ display is perfect for showing off your favorite photos, but still fits comfortably in one hand. There’s also plenty of storage on motorola one macro, so the 64 GB ROM and 4 GB RAM allow you to store more apps and multitask without sacrificing performance.

meet moto g8 plus and moto g8 play, our best moto g phones everBringing premium features consumers love, like class-leading camera technology, outstanding sound and long-lasting battery life, to mid-tier devices is what the well-loved moto g family stands for. In our most impressive upgrade yet, the newest generation of devices in the moto g family go to the next level to provide consumers with high-end features they crave in a fresh and beautiful updated design.

get the best camera experience with moto g8 plusmoto g8 plus boasts the best ever camera experience on a moto g, packing an intelligent Quad Pixel camera system with 4x low light sensitivity that ensures every shot you take is sharp and vivid. moto g8 plus features some of Motorola’s most incredible camera innovations to date, including a 48-megapixel main sensor with Night Vision2, a depth sensor, and our exclusive dedicated 117° ultra-wide angle action cam to record landscape-oriented videos while comfortably holding your phone vertically. If selfies are your priority, it also has a 25-megapixel front camera that gets you the most vibrant colors and images to date.

You can enjoy an even more immersive experience from the 6.3” FHD+ Max Vision display. With a 19:9 aspect ratio, the edge-to-edge screen is perfect for watching your favorite shows or movies. Surround yourself with incredible sound thanks to the dual stereo speakers tuned by Dolby®, which output two times more powerful sound and 50% louder bass for the most engaging audio experience on a moto g phone.The 4,000 mAh battery offers 40 hours of battery life, and TurboPower™ technology included in moto g8 plus ensures you can power up quickly when you need to recharge, getting 8 hours of power in just 15 minutes of charging so you can get back to having fun.4

Equipped with Moto Experiences and bloatware-free Android™ 9 Pie software our fans know and love, moto g8 plus delivers the camera, display, sound and battery performance you’re looking for. Pick one up in beautiful gradient Cosmic Blue or Crystal Pink, now in an updated design and water repellent protection.5

enjoy top notch camera performance and power from moto g8 playUnique in its class, moto g8 play delivers an exceptional triple-camera system featuring a powerful main sensor, depth sensor, and a dedicated 117° ultra wide angle lens that fits 4x more in the frame.6 In addition, AI features provide an elevated imaging experience.

The 6.2” Max Vision display and bottom-ported loudspeaker on moto g8 play offer a great overall portable entertainment experience. And thanks to the long-lasting 4,000 mAh battery, moto g8 play offers up to 2 days of battery life so you can stream your favorite content on the go without having to worry about plugging in.The overall performance of moto g8 play is 30% faster than the moto g7 play. Moto Experiences and bloatware-free Android™ 9 Pie software ensure you have the best experience possible with your device. moto g8 play also comes with face unlock and a fingerprint reader in a brand new modern design, available in eye-catching gradient color choices like Knight Grey and Royal Magenta.

moto e6 play delivers much more for less

Consumers on a budget can rely on the moto e family to provide unique, up-to-date features they need at an affordable price. Now, deal-seekers on the hunt for an inexpensive phone that still delivers on quality and performance will be thrilled with moto e6 play. moto e6 play gives you fast access to your favorite features thanks to a fingerprint reader located on the back of the phone and built-in face unlock technology. You’ll find 32 GB of built-in storage and an additional 256 GB with a microSD card slot.We know camera and battery are always top of mind, so we’ve included a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 3,000 mAh battery so you can get long-lasting power on a single charge.The 5.5” HD+ Max Vision display offers a wider view that consumers love while still fitting comfortably in their hand. moto g6 play comes in a gradient, eye-catching colors, Steel Black and Ocean Blue, completing this elegant design.

pricing and availability

moto g8 plus is available today in Brazil, Mexico and India. moto g8plus will be available starting end of October throughout Europe with a starting MSRP of 269 € EUR. It will roll out by end of this month in Australia and in the coming month across Latin America. For full information and specifications, visit our website or reach out to your local PR contact.

moto g8 play is available today in Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Perú. It will roll out over the coming months in other countries in Latin America. For full pricing information and specifications, visit our website or reach out to your local PR contact.

motorola one macro is available today in Brazil, Mexico, Australia, India and throughout Europe with a starting MSRP of 199 € EUR. It will roll out over the coming months in various countries in Latin America and select countries in Asia. For full information and specifications, visit our website or reach out to your local PR contact.

moto e6 play is available today in Brazil and Mexico. moto e6 play will be available starting end of November throughout Europe with a starting MSRP of 109 € EUR. It will roll out over the coming months in other countries in Latin America and select countries in Asia. For full information and specifications, visit our website or reach out to your local PR contact.

For more information and a full list of specifications for each phone, please visit Check with your local PR rep for exact timing, availability, and pricing by market.

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